LSA Teams with Action Deafness Communications

< 1 min read

Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) new partnership with Action Deafness Communications is featured in an article on the website.  The article talks about how this is the first partnership in the UK to offer both Video Remote Interpreting services for British Sign Language and foreign language support through a proprietary platform.

Please click here to read the complete article on

Windsor Police Adopt High-Tech Access Service for the Deaf

< 1 min read

Photograph by Jason Kryk, The Windsor Star

Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) Video Remote Interpreting and Interpreting by Telephone services are featured in the May 12th issue of The Windsor Star as part of the company’s new partnership with The Windsor Police Service.  The article discusses how Windsor police officers will be utilizing LSA’s on demand interpretation platforms to meet the needs of its Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Limited English Proficient citizens.

Please click here to read the complete article on The Windsor Star website.

LSA Featured on Tucson News Now Website for New Partnership with Carondelet Health Network

< 1 min read

Language Services Associates (LSA) was featured on the Tucson News Now website in an article announcing LSA’s new partnership with Carondelet Health Network! The article explains the interpretation services that will now be available for Limited English Proficient, Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients at all Carondelet hospital facilities, including Interpreting by Telephone and Video Remote Interpreting.

To read the full article on the Tucson News Now website, please click here!  

Laura K.T. Schriver Interviewed for an Article on Growth Strategy in SmartCEO Magazine

2 min read

Founder and CEO of Language Services Associates (LSA), Laura K.T. Schriver, was featured in the January 2012 issue of Philadelphia SmartCEO magazine in an article on organic growth strategy. In Schriver’s interview, she explains why she chose to grow organically, what challenges she had to overcome because of that and why, ultimately, an organic growth strategy was successful for LSA.

If you have the most recent version of Flash player, you may click here to view the article online:

Otherwise, please click on the image below to view Laura’s interview!


Laura K.T. Schriver is Featured in the September 2011 Issue of SmartCEO Magazine

< 1 min read

Laura K.T. Schriver, the President and CEO of Language Services Associates, is featured in the September 2011 issue of SmartCEO magazine as a SmartCEO 100 award winner.  In the article, Laura talks about the history of LSA, the importance of a can do attitude and the company’s customer service philosophy.

Please click on the image below to read this complete article. Once the image loads, please click on the arrow at the top right of the screen to zoom in.

LSA’s Video Remote Interpreting Service is Featured in the June/July 2011 Issue of Communications Business Solutions

< 1 min read

In the June/July issue of Communications Business Solutions, Mauricio Vicente, Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) Chief Information Officer, provides a closer look at the company’s Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) service.  In the article, he explains what VRI is, how it works and the many features of LSA’s new platform.  He also announces the launch of INTERPREBOT, LSA’s newest and most innovative video remote interpretation service.

Please click on the image below to download a PDF version of the complete article.

LSA’s INTERPRETALK® Telephonic Interpretation Service Helps Police Save a Life

2 min read

Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) Interpreting by Telephone service, INTERPRETALK®, was recently featured in the South Brunswick Patch and the South Brunswick Post.

On Tuesday, June 7th, the South Brunswick Police Department (one of LSA’s clients) received a call from a non-English speaker who was suffering from a heart attack.  The dispatcher, unable to determine where the victim was located or what the problem was because of the language barrier, connected the victim to an Interpreter through INTERPRETALK®.  The Interpreter was able to assist the dispatcher with identifying the location of the victim within minutes of being on the call.  The victim was then rushed to a local area hospital and is currently listed in good condition.

To read the complete article in the South Brunswick Patch, please click here or on the image below.

To read the complete article in the South Brunswick Post, please click here or on the image below.


President & CEO of LSA, Laura K.T. Schriver, is Featured in the Philadelphia Business Journal’s “CEO File”

2 min read

Laura K.T. Schriver, President & CEO of Language Services Associates, was recently featured in the Philadelphia Business Journal‘s “CEO File.”  In the article, which appeared in the November 26th issue, Laura talks about her essential business philosophy, the best way to keep a competitive edge and the most important lesson she has ever learned.

Please click on the image below to read the complete article.  Once the image loads, click on the arrow at the top right of the screen to zoom in.

LSA’s Language Program for Methodist Healthcare System is Featured in the August 27th Issue of San Antonio Business Journal

2 min read

Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) language program for Methodist Healthcare System is featured in the August 27th issue of the San Antonio Business Journal.  In the article, entitled “Language Program Breaking Down Barriers at Methodist,” Tatiana Sultzbach, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion for Methodist’s International Services Department, talks about how “employee, patient, physician and community satisfaction has increased since partnering with LSA.”

Please click on the image below to read this article.  Once the image loads in a new window, you may click the arrows at top right to enlarge.

To read the LSA/Methodist case study (Improving Foreign Language Communication in Healthcare), please click here.

Laura K.T. Schriver is Featured in the April/May Issue of Enterprising Women Magazine

2 min read

Laura K.T. Schriver, President and CEO of Language Services Associates, was recently named an “Enterprising Woman of the Year” by Enterprising Women magazine.  Schriver was recognized for her outstanding business growth and ongoing leadership in the local community.

As an award honoree, Schriver was featured in the April/May issue of Enterprising Women magazine.  Please click on the image below to view this article.

And for more information on this prestigious awards program, please click here to read the complete press release.


LSA’s Business Continuity Plan is Featured in the November Issue of Contact Center Pipeline

2 min read

Susan Hash, Editor of Contact Center Pipeline, recently interviewed Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) Director of Information Technology, Mauricio Vicente, and Call Center Manager, Lynn Dick, on LSA’s Business Continuity Plan for the current flu season.  In the article, which came out November 1st, Hash discusses how LSA prepares for a potential H1N1 pandemic with the development and implementation of a comprehensive continuity plan.

Please see below for a copy of the article that appeared in the November issue of Contact Center Pipeline.  You can click on the image for a larger view.


Gene Schriver is Interviewed for

2 min read

Gene Schriver, Language Services Associates’ (LSA’s) Executive Vice President, was recently interviewed by to discuss the world of translation services and localization.  Entitled “Growth in Translation,” the article focuses on why the language services industry continues to grow year after year.  As an Inc. 5000 recipient for the second consecutive year, LSA was proud to offer its insight and discuss the increasing need for multilingual communication.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

“Anyone can have the technical capacity to communicate, service, or buy something, anywhere on the planet,” say’s Schriver, whose company has grown 300 percent over the past five years. “But just because you have a phone or computer doesn’t mean you can actually communicate. Our goal has been to change that, and should we continue to be successful, the impact could be massive.”

Please click here to read the full article.

To find out how Language Services Associates can support your language needs, please call 1-800-305-9673 or visit our contact page.
