4 min read

LSA is proud to announce its partnership with Watsi for the second consecutive year! Through monthly donations, we are helping fund life-changing medical treatments for individuals in developing countries. Did you know that 11,004 people have funded healthcare for 3,729 patients in 20 countries through Watsi (numbers published as of 2/26/15)? So far this year, we have helped Kelvin and Teresa get the medical treatments they need to enjoy a better quality of life. Learn more about Kelvin and Teresa by reading their stories below!

Meet Kelvin


Kelvin is an energetic six-year-old boy from Tanzania who enjoys running around and playing with his friends. Kelvin was born with a bilateral clubfoot, a condition that causes his feet to turn inward, and that can lead to early osteoarthritis. Kelvin’s parents are small-scale farmers and they cannot afford to pay for treatment. With the help of LSA, Kelvin was able to receive the treatment necessary for him be able to walk properly and develop normally without the risk of early osteoarthritis.

Meet Teresa


Teresa is a three-year-old girl from Guatemala who was born with extra toes on her right foot, which makes walking very painful. Her father is a manual laborer who has a difficult time finding work; the family cannot afford to pay for the surgery needed to correct Teresa’s defect.  With the help of LSA, Teresa was able to get surgery to correct her orthopedic defect, allowing her to walk without pain.

Are you interested in funding life-changing medical treatments for people around the world? Visit Watsi.org to learn more and meet the patients that need your help!