Language Services Associates (LSA) is so honored to be a member of Watsi’s Universal Fund! Through our monthly donations to the nonprofit, we help patients across the world receive the medical treatments they desperately need. Recently LSA’s donation went to Musa–a 17-year-old boy from Tanzania–who will undergo surgery to remove scar tissue from a severe childhood burn, restoring his range of motion. Learn more about Musa’s story below.
A talented artist and student of history, English, and science, Musa hopes to become a primary school teacher one day. Musa has achieved his success despite a severe contracture of his axilla, elbow, and wrist, which has severely limited his movement for 14 years. The contracture was the result of a burn when his blanket caught fire as a toddler.
Watsi’s medical partner, African Mission Healthcare Foundation, happily reports, “Musa is doing well. Burn contracture release of the axilla and elbow was done successfully.”
Musa is also pleased: “I am so happy that the part of my arm which was attached to my body is now free. My arm is much more flexible now than before. I cannot wait to have a straight arm; I will be able to perform many things with ease.”
We are thrilled to be able to help Musa receive this important medical treatment! Interested in becoming a member of Watsi’s Universal Fund? Visit to learn more and meet the patients across the world that need your help!
“We believe everyone deserves healthcare, and we’re making that a reality, one patient at a time.”
– Chase Adam, Founder of Watsi